If your home is connected to a septic system for waste management, you're sure to know that maintenance is required to ensure that the septic system works properly. Most homeowners want to stay on top of maintaining their septic system, including the septic tank, in order to ensure that no problems develop. Thus, it is not surprising that some homeowners opt to put additives in their septic tank. There are many septic tank additives that are advertised as being essential for septic tank maintenance, but that doesn't mean that using them is a good idea. Some of the top reasons that it is not a good idea to put additives in your home's septic tank include:

It May Not Be Allowed in Your Area

When you begin looking at septic tank additives, you will quickly notice that each one is made up of different chemicals. In some cases, the compounds found in septic tank additives may be harmful to the septic system and the soil, and some states and local municipalities have banned specific septic tank additives because of this. Thus, it doesn't make sense to waste your money by purchasing septic tank additives if they are not allowed in your area.

Disruption of Bacteria Levels

Most people do not want to think about what is inside their septic tank, but in order for a septic tank to function properly, the ecosystem must have a delicate balance of healthy bacteria that helps manage solid waste. If the bacteria level is disturbed, the septic tank can begin experiencing problems. While septic tank additives are advertised as being useful products that help you properly maintain your septic tank, in reality, the chemicals found in the additives can kill healthy bacteria and throw off the bacteria levels in the tank.

Damaging to Plumbing and the Septic Tank

Many of the chemicals found in septic tank additives are quite strong, and that can potentially so a lot of damage to your septic system. For example, if you choose a septic tank additive with corrosive chemicals, using the additive could harm the pipes that connect your home to the septic tank. Likewise, the strong chemicals in additives could also damage the tank itself, which could lead to cracks or holes forming in the walls of the tank. Repairing these types of issues can be quite costly, which is a major reason why using additives should not be a part of your septic tank maintenance plan. 

For more information, contact a septic tank maintenance company. 
