At this time of year, you might be busy raking leaves over and over again. You might be longing for the beautiful garden you enjoyed during the spring and summer as you put away the evidence of outdoor entertaining and of outdoor fun. Consider using these winter months to prepare your garden for spring and summer of 2018:

Write Things Down - Take some time out of your day to make a thorough assessment of your garden area. Write things down, as you might forget what you wanted to do when spring arrives. For example, if your lawn furniture needs brand new cushions, make a note to buy them early so that there will be enough choices when it's time to shop. Also, write down the plants that did really well and write down changes you want to make. For example, if you see that caladiums did well in pots, write that down. At the same time, if your rose bushes didn't flourish, you might want to move them to a different location.

Landscape Maintenance - After you've written down things you want to accomplish for next spring and summer, take the time to get your plants ready for the cold months that are right around the corner. Do you have a special area that can be used to store plants you have grown to love? For example, if you have been successful in growing a huge bougainvillea plant in a pot, consider moving that to an indoor room where you can keep an eye on it. Think about the plants that cannot be moved. There might be some that will be inexpensive enough to replace, so you more than likely don't need to worry about them. However, have plenty of appropriate coverings for the plants that cannot be moved that you want to save.

If you are not comfortable with gardening, consider hiring a service that does landscape maintenance. The workers will have the experience and the training to know exactly what to do with your plants during the winter months. Also, when spring arrives, the landscape maintenance service will prepare your lawn so that it will look picture-perfect. If you want to install a swimming pool, the landscapers will also help you to know which design would fit best in your garden.

Think about cutting landscaping pictures out of gardening magazines so that you can incorporate the same look into your own landscape. Contact a company like The Yard Man, INC for more information and assistance. 
