No matter how hard you try to keep your carpets clean, they are going to get dirty. You may not even see the dirt particles as they have fallen to the bottom of the fibers. These tiny particles can rub against the fibers of the rug, fraying or breaking them. In addition, dust mites and other allergens can be deep in your carpet, aggravating any allergies your family members or friends may have. So, your carpet needs to be cleaned regularly, even if there are no stains. You have the option of doing the job yourself or hiring professionals. Here are a few reasons you should go with the professionals.


The equipment needed to properly deep clean a carpet is expensive and heavy, and it takes up closet space. If you decide to rent the cleaner, you will have to load and unload it to get it home and then take it back before you are charged for another day. You will also have to buy the cleaning supplies. When you consider the cost of buying the equipment and supplies to do all the different types of carpet and in your home and all the different stains, you could probably hire a professional to come do the job a few times at least. If you plan on renting, the cost could be roughly the same if you find a coupon for a multi-room discount. In addition, by hiring professionals you won't have to worry about storage space or lugging the rental machine to and from the store.


Cleaning carpets is not a simple task; it takes time to do it right. If you think vacuuming all the rugs in the house is time-consuming, wait until you try deep cleaning them. It is harder work, too. You have to push and pull on a heavy machine and go over a carpet multiple times to get it really clean. Instead of doing all that, you could hire professionals to come to the house while you are at work. Be sure to hire a company that is licensed and bonded so you won't have to worry about your belongings, such as Kenton Carpet Care. You can either leave a key for them or drive home to let the technicians in when it is time. This way, your carpets could be clean and dry by the time you get home.

Unless you are doing a quick cleaning to take care of an accident or a clean-up in between professional visits, it is almost silly to buy or rent the equipment to clean your carpets yourself. Contact a residential carpet cleaning company and ask what specials they have for doing multiple rooms. You may be pleasantly surprised.
